19 research outputs found

    Nearpoint lens therapy and the relief of asthenopic symptoms in VDT operators

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    The widespread use of VDT\u27s and information processing systems in office settings has led to numerous complaints of eyestrain and headaches among their operators. These symptoms suggest to the eye care practitioner that the visual system is under stress. It was hypothesized that a nearpoint lens therapy would relieve these symptoms. A particular method of binocular refraction and case analysis developed by C. Michael Smith, O.D., was used to determine a nearpoint spectacle prescription. Four case studies are presented of VDT operators whose symptoms of eyestrain and headache were relieved through the use of this nearpoint lens therapy

    Liver and Adipose Expression Associated SNPs Are Enriched for Association to Type 2 Diabetes

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have demonstrated the ability to identify the strongest causal common variants in complex human diseases. However, to date, the massive data generated from GWAS have not been maximally explored to identify true associations that fail to meet the stringent level of association required to achieve genome-wide significance. Genetics of gene expression (GGE) studies have shown promise towards identifying DNA variations associated with disease and providing a path to functionally characterize findings from GWAS. Here, we present the first empiric study to systematically characterize the set of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with expression (eSNPs) in liver, subcutaneous fat, and omental fat tissues, demonstrating these eSNPs are significantly more enriched for SNPs that associate with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in three large-scale GWAS than a matched set of randomly selected SNPs. This enrichment for T2D association increases as we restrict to eSNPs that correspond to genes comprising gene networks constructed from adipose gene expression data isolated from a mouse population segregating a T2D phenotype. Finally, by restricting to eSNPs corresponding to genes comprising an adipose subnetwork strongly predicted as causal for T2D, we dramatically increased the enrichment for SNPs associated with T2D and were able to identify a functionally related set of diabetes susceptibility genes. We identified and validated malic enzyme 1 (Me1) as a key regulator of this T2D subnetwork in mouse and provided support for the association of this gene to T2D in humans. This integration of eSNPs and networks provides a novel approach to identify disease susceptibility networks rather than the single SNPs or genes traditionally identified through GWAS, thereby extracting additional value from the wealth of data currently being generated by GWAS

    The experience of intimate partner violence among older women: A narrative review

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is a significant public health issue globally. It has serious physical and psychological health consequences as well huge economic and social costs. With an ageing population globally, it is important to understand how older women experience IPV. We present a narrative review of 48 studies exploring IPV in women aged ≥45 years, focusing on: (1) prevalence of IPV; (2) factors associated with IPV; (3) impact of IPV; (4) responses to IPV; (5) IPV interventions; and (6) key populations. Although we found significant gaps in the literature and an inconsistency in definitions, data suggest that IPV is commonly experienced by older women (lifetime prevalence 16.5%–54.5%), but that their age and life transitions mean that they may experience abuse differently to younger women. They also face unique barriers to accessing help, such as disability and dependence on their partners. We recommend commissioning services that are specifically tailored to meet their needs. Professionals working in frontline services where older women are commonly seen should be trained to identify and respond to IPV appropriately

    MethPhaser: methylation-based long-read haplotype phasing of human genomes

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    Abstract The assignment of variants across haplotypes, phasing, is crucial for predicting the consequences, interaction, and inheritance of mutations and is a key step in improving our understanding of phenotype and disease. However, phasing is limited by read length and stretches of homozygosity along the genome. To overcome this limitation, we designed MethPhaser, a method that utilizes methylation signals from Oxford Nanopore Technologies to extend Single Nucleotide Variation (SNV)-based phasing. We demonstrate that haplotype-specific methylations extensively exist in Human genomes and the advent of long-read technologies enabled direct report of methylation signals. For ONT R9 and R10 cell line data, we increase the phase length N50 by 78%-151% at a phasing accuracy of 83.4-98.7% To assess the impact of tissue purity and random methylation signals due to inactivation, we also applied MethPhaser on blood samples from 4 patients, still showing improvements over SNV-only phasing. MethPhaser further improves phasing across HLA and multiple other medically relevant genes, improving our understanding of how mutations interact across multiple phenotypes. The concept of MethPhaser can also be extended to non-human diploid genomes. MethPhaser is available at https://github.com/treangenlab/methphaser

    Novel integrative elements and genomic plasticity in ocean ecosystems

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    Horizontal gene transfer accelerates microbial evolution, promoting diversification and adaptation. The globally abundant marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus has a highly streamlined genome with frequent gene exchange reflected in its extensive pangenome. The source of its genomic variability, however, remains elusive since most cells lack the common mechanisms that enable horizontal gene transfer, including conjugation, transformation, plasmids and prophages. Examining 623 genomes, we reveal a diverse system of mobile genetic elements – cargo-carrying transposons we named tycheposons – that shape Prochlorococcus’ genomic plasticity. The excision and integration of tycheposons at seven tRNA genes drive the remodeling of larger genomic islands containing most of Prochlorococcus’ flexible genes. Most tycheposons carry genes important for niche differentiation through nutrient acquisition; others appear similar to phage parasites. Tycheposons are highly enriched in extracellular vesicles and phage particles in ocean samples, suggesting efficient routes for their dispersal, transmission and propagation. Supported by evidence for similar elements in other marine microbes, our work underpins the role of vesicle- and virus-mediated transfer of mobile genetic elements in the diversification and adaptation of microbes in dilute aquatic environments – adding a significant piece to the puzzle of what governs microbial evolution in the planet’s largest habitat

    Borg extrachromosomal elements of methane-oxidizing archaea have conserved and expressed genetic repertoires

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    Borgs are huge extrachromosomal elements (ECE) of anaerobic methane-consuming “Candidatus Methanoperedens” archaea. Here, we used nanopore sequencing to validate published complete genomes curated from short reads and to reconstruct new genomes. 13 complete and four near-complete linear genomes share 40 genes that define a largely syntenous genome backbone. We use these conserved genes to identify new Borgs from peatland soil and to delineate Borg phylogeny, revealing two major clades. Remarkably, Borg genes encoding OmcZ nanowire-like electron-exporting cytochromes and cell surface proteins are more highly expressed than those of host Methanoperedens, indicating that Borgs augment the Methanoperedens activity in situ. We reconstructed the first complete 4.00 Mbp genome for a Methanoperedens that is inferred to be a Borg host and predicted its methylation motifs, which differ from pervasive TC and CC methylation motifs of the Borgs. Thus, methylation may enable Methanoperedens to distinguish their genomes from those of Borgs. Very high Borg to Methanoperedens ratios and structural predictions suggest that Borgs may be capable of encapsulation. The findings clearly define Borgs as a distinct class of ECE with shared genomic signatures, establish their diversification from a common ancestor with genetic inheritance, and raise the possibility of periodic existence outside of host cells

    Borg extrachromosomal elements of methane-oxidizing archaea have conserved and expressed genetic repertoires

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    International audienceBorgs are huge extrachromosomal elements (ECE) of anaerobic methane-consuming “ Candidatus Methanoperedens” archaea. Here, we used nanopore sequencing to validate published complete genomes curated from short reads and to reconstruct new genomes. 13 complete and four near-complete linear genomes share 40 genes that define a largely syntenous genome backbone. We use these conserved genes to identify new Borgs from peatland soil and to delineate Borg phylogeny, revealing two major clades. Remarkably, Borg genes encoding nanowire-like electron-transferring cytochromes and cell surface proteins are more highly expressed than those of host Methanoperedens , indicating that Borgs augment the Methanoperedens activity in situ. We reconstructed the first complete 4.00 Mbp genome for a Methanoperedens that is inferred to be a Borg host and predicted its methylation motifs, which differ from pervasive TC and CC methylation motifs of the Borgs. Thus, methylation may enable Methanoperedens to distinguish their genomes from those of Borgs. Very high Borg to Methanoperedens ratios and structural predictions suggest that Borgs may be capable of encapsulation. The findings clearly define Borgs as a distinct class of ECE with shared genomic signatures, establish their diversification from a common ancestor with genetic inheritance, and raise the possibility of periodic existence outside of host cells